Empowering Generosity with Giveza

Welcome to Giveza, a revolutionary donation-based crowdfunding platform that’s all about harnessing the incredible power of collective giving. We’re more than a platform – we’re a movement, a community, and a catalyst for positive change.

Our vision

To be the best crowdfunding platform in the world

At Giveza, we envision a world where compassion, generosity, and collective action reign supreme. We see a future where every act of giving, no matter how small, has the power to create ripple effects of positive change. Our vision is to be the driving force behind a global movement that transforms lives, communities, and the planet itself.

Our mission

To provide a platform that empowers everyone to be a force for good. We believe that no act of kindness is too small, and when we come together, we can achieve extraordinary things. Giveza is where dreams are funded, where compassion finds a voice, and where generosity knows no boundaries.


Join Us in Making a Difference

At Giveza, we believe that the true power of change lies within each of us. We invite you to join our global community of compassionate individuals and organizations dedicated to making a lasting impact. Together, we can transform lives, create brighter futures, and build a world where kindness knows no bounds.

Whether you choose to contribute your time, expertise, or financial support, your involvement matters. Join us in the journey of giving, where every act of kindness, every donation, and every moment of empathy adds up to create meaningful change. Together, we can write a story of hope, resilience, and compassion that inspires others to join the movement and make a difference

Compassion First

We prioritize compassion, connecting with those in need, and fostering kindness, making it an integral part of our identity.


We're committed to transparent impact. Your donations go directly to their intended purpose, with regular updates.


In our diverse community, unity thrives in differences. Unique perspectives and strengths enrich our mission.


Our Values

We embodies the value of democratizing innovation and creativity by providing a platform where diverse ideas can find support from a global audience. It fosters transparency, allowing backers to engage with projects and to create campaigns.

Note from CEO

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Host a community fair, festival, or carnival where local businesses can set up booths. Charge a fee for booth spaces and use the proceeds for your cause.

Organize a charity run, walk, or marathon. Participants can raise funds through sponsorships, and the entry fees can contribute to your goal.

Organize a car wash or a day of services (such as gardening, cleaning, or pet sitting) where participants can offer their skills, and people can donate for the services.

Organize a sports tournament (soccer, basketball, or even a chess tournament). Teams can pay an entry fee, and spectators can contribute to the cause.

Organize an art show featuring local artists. Sell tickets for entry and include an option for attendees to make additional donations.

Try something fresh and new right now

    Our team

    The talented and passionate people are changing the world

    Nill Smith

    Legal Advising

    Kevin Thomson


    Alex Browne

    Director, Finance

    Alex Peter

    Marketing Head

    Transforming Lives: Our Crowdfunding Journey

    Whether you’re a dreamer with a vision or a champion of change looking to contribute, you’re an integral part of the Giveza family. Each connection made, every contribution given, brings us closer to a world enriched by compassion and progress..